Cute right? The glasses, I mean. I want to have them prescribed so bad but I’m afraid that they might break if I did. The last time I went to an optical shop, the people there told me that since the glasses frame I brought was not from them, it was not insured. Meaning, they won’t be responsible if the frame broke while the prescribed lenses were being attached.

Remember what I said in Lady In Pastels? My outfits are usually not planned. But this outfit is sort of an exception. When I saw these glasses on Wholesale Celebshades, I thought that it would look great for a school girl look. So yeah, I thought it was perfect with my knit sweater, lace shorts and my dream catcher necklace. It was supposed to be my back to school look, hence the bright red apple that I insisted on buying for yesterday’s photoshoot. I did eat the apple last night though, as a midnight snack.

Oh and remember the sweet note that I mentioned in my Wholesale Celebshades outfit? They sent me another one again and this time I was able to photograph it. :D

Romwe violet knit sweater; Romwe white crochet shorts; Romwe black rivet boots; black and gold dream catcher necklace; Wholesale Celebshades black cat’s eye glasses


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